Statement of Support for Farmworkers of Washington State and San Quintin, MX and the Boycott of Driscoll’s Berries

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Read all solidarity statements for Sakuma farm workers here:

Victory to farm workers!

We stand in solidarity with farm workers in Washington State and San Quintin, Mexico who have organized an international boycott of retail products containing berries from Sakuma Bros. Farms, including all berries sold under the Driscolls brand and Haagen Dazs (Nestle) ice cream. These workers have been subject to wage theft, abusive conditions, and impossible production demands.

When workers autonomously organize to fight against exploitation and abuse, we must stand with them in support and solidarity. Workers across industries and borders have a common struggle, and only together can we win!

We pledge to honor the boycott, and urge others to do so, until the farm owners submit to the workers’ demands.

Workers Struggle
Sudbury, Ontario chapter
Fort Lauderdale, FL chapter
Miami, FL chapter